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Whale Shark Tour Guarantee

Given wildlife and weather conditions are unpredictable and uncertain at times, we believe we offer our guests some of the BEST tour guarantees in the world! 

The guarantees listed below apply to all our fully priced whale shark tours. 

Whale Shark ‘No Sighting’ Guarantee 

Unfortunately, we can never 100% guarantee a wildlife sighting. But we can guarantee to do everything we can on the day to maximise your chances of swimming with a whale shark.  

However, if our tour does not produce the desired results and we cannot get you swimming with a whale shark during your tour, you can either: 

  1. Try again, free of charge 

If we have any tours available whilst you are still in town, come out with us and try again free of charge! OR 

  1. Receive a partial refund

We refund all onboard swim guests the profit we would have made from that day’s tour.

We commit never to profit from any unsuccessful tour we run. For such tours, we calculate refunds for each ticket purchased as follows:

Ticket price paid

MINUS: Operating costs for the tour on that day ($275 in 2024)

EQUALS: Refund amount for each ticket.

Seasickness Guarantee 

If you fall seasick during your tour to the extent of stopping you from swimming with a whale shark, you may get the opportunity to try again. You can come out again on a standby basis on our next available tour free of charge to try again in more enjoyable conditions. We are the only company to offer this reassurance.  

Good Swim Guarantees 

We’re so lucky to have some of the most amazing whale shark encounters on the Ningaloo Reef that we can guarantee you a good swim! If your group spends less than 2 minutes in the water swimming with the whale shark, you will be offered the opportunity to come out again on a standby basis on our next available tour. 

We strongly recommend taking out travel insurance that will cover you for bad weather or emergency cancellations so you can claim this back. If you choose to come out on the next tour for any of the above guarantees, it is a one off. There will not be another option if still unsuccessful again.